WoodPartners is a digital platform. The e-exhibitor can subscribe for one year.

  1. The annual subscription includes an additional update during the year.

The terms of distribution of the WoodPartners platform, in particular the date or period of distribution are determined by WoodPartners and may be modified at its discretion.

The e-exhibitor or participant undertakes to respect, and to ensure respect of, the prescriptions of the technical data sheet.

WoodPartners shall not be held liable for the application of any of the stipulations of the present general regulations.



WoodPartners determines the categories of exhibitors and establishes the nomenclature of products and/or services presented. and/or services presented. WoodPartners may, after examination, exclude products and/or services that do not appear to correspond to the purpose of the platform.

In the event of withdrawal from the e-stand for any reason whatsoever, any sums paid and/or remain due, in whole or in part, in respect of the purchase of the e-stand, shall be forfeited to the organizer. the organizer.

Should an e-exhibitor, for any reason whatsoever, fail to provide the necessary to create its company file (or e-stand) before the platform is released, its subscription will be subscription runs out, and no deduction can be made for lost time, since the delay is caused by the e-exhibitor.




The price of the e-stand is determined by WoodPartners and may be revised by WoodPartners.

12-month offer: €2950 excl. 

The WoodPartners membership is renewable by tacit agreement.

To cancel your subscription, please send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt 2 months before the anniversary date.

Subscription to WoodPartners includes 1 "Focus" entry in the newsletter for the first month of your subscription.

Members or e-exhibitors already present can update their e-stand:

- The annual subscription includes an additional update during the year.

- Additional updates are available for a 150-euro technical fee.


Payment for the e-stand and ancillary costs will be made on the dates and in the manner determined by the organizer. determined by the organizer:

- 50% payment on reservation

- Balance due upon receipt of invoice

Failure by an e-exhibitor to comply with the payment terms and deadlines referred to in the previous article, authorizes WoodPartners to apply the stipulations of the article "Participation".



75020 PARIS

Tel. 01 40 33 33 30 - Fax 01 53 01 28 77

SIRET 487 554 479 00013

VAT: FR 614 87 55 44 79